Propelling nonprofit managers forward in their careers...

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Paying it Forward

Over the last nine months, we have benefited from discussions with leaders in the nonprofit sector. The backgrounds of the speakers varied and topics of conversation ran the gamut—working with boards, cultivating corporate partnerships, managing work-life balance, building presentation skills, collaborating with teams, and many more.

But one thing that united all of our guests was their generosity in supporting the Emerging Leaders program. Despite important responsibilities and packed calendars, they took the time to meet with us to discuss their personal and professional journeys, accomplishments, failures, passions, and visions for the future. They all expressed a sincere desire to pay forward the support they have received and the lessons they have learned over the years in order to invest in the next generation of nonprofit leaders.

My fellow participants have already embraced that culture of paying it forward. Whether we’re providing feedback on presentations, supporting each other in completing our stretch goals, or offering advice, resources, or connections to help us improve our work, there is a sincere desire to help each other. I know we will continue to pay forward the incredible support we have received during this program. I look forward to following the progress of my classmates and seeing what kind of impact we can collectively have. 

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