A month or two ago, for the Princeton Emerging Leaders
Program, we read an article from Harvard
Business Review called “Management Time: Who’s Got the Monkey?” The gist of the article is that employees
will often come to their bosses asking that they solve their problems. This puts
a “monkey” on the bosses back. The more monkeys that a boss accumulates and the
bigger they are, the less time that the boss will have to devote to his or her own responsibilities.
To be frank, I was fairly skeptical when I first read the
article; it wasn’t that I disagreed with it, but rather that I felt that the
points that it was making were fairly obvious. However, in the weeks after I
read the article, I subconsciously mulled it over and realized that I had a
situation in my own work where I was accumulating monkeys that shouldn’t have
been on my back, and that this had been one of the bigger stress factors in my
job recently.
For about two years, essentially by default, I had taken the
lead on maintaining a database that forms the crux of almost all other
activities on my team’s project. Since I had only minimal time to devote to
this task, the project (and my sanity) suffered. Therefore, we eventually decided
to bring on someone new whose primary responsibility would be to coordinate the
upkeep of the database.
I was very happy with this opportunity to take some work off
of my plate, and to have a better maintained database. However, I was
frustrated that, months after this new person joined the team, I was still
feeling the burden of the database weighing on me. I was struggling to figure
out exactly why this was, and only after reading “Who’s Got the Monkey?” did I
start to understand: I realized that, although the new employee was doing work on the database, at the
end of the day, I still ultimately felt responsible for the quality of the
database, and my team was continuing to treat me as the responsible person.
This seems like an obvious conclusion, but for some reason
it had evaded me until the article laid out the ideas clearly in front of me.
Once I identified this as the problem, the solution was fairly easy: as team
members continued to come to me with questions about, or problems with, the
database, I would direct them on to the new employee, rather than try to tackle
the problem myself; I took a similar tactic for the problems that I identified with the database.
Eventually, the team including the new employee, adapted to this new structure,
and I now feel that the monkey for the database as a whole has be transferred
to its proper owner. I continue to accept small database-related monkeys, but with
this new format, I am less stressed, and the larger monkey that is the database
itself, is finally getting the attention that it needs from our new employee.
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